Ultimate Lighting Guide: Pick the Right Fixtures for Every Room in Your Home

Author: External Author | | Categories: Design Consultation , Interior Design , Interior Planning , Interior Remodeling


For so many of us, lighting is an afterthought in our interiors. This happens when you think of it as a utilitarian detail of the room, rather than something that adds aesthetic value. When it’s done right, lighting is the unsung element that brings your design to the next level. Our ultimate lighting guide gives you all the info you need to effortlessly light every room in your home. Read our tips and keep them close at hand. You never know when you may need to tweak the existing lighting in your home or to build a new layout from scratch.

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Original Article Source Credits:   MYMOVE , https://www.mymove.com/

Article Written By:   TARA MASTROENI

Original Article Posted on:   September 22, 2020

Link to Original Article:  https://www.mymove.com/home-inspiration/decoration-design-ideas/ultimate-lighting-guide-pick-right-fixtures-every-room-home/